Προγράμματα για ΣΣΕ (ΜΙΣΘΟΙ) Εθνική_Γ.Σ.Σ.Ε_Υπάλληλοι
Επίσημη αρχή κάναμε μόλις στις 26-07-2012. Ευχαριστούμε που σε τόσο μικρό χρονικό διάστημα μας έχετε επισκεφτεί τόσες πολλές φορές.

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Σημειώνεται ότι κάθε πληροφορία, ανάρτηση,υπολογισμός, σχόλιο, δημοσίευση και οτιδήποτε άλλο περιέχεται, βασίζονται πάνω στο πως οι διαχειριστές προσωπικά αντιλαμβάνονται τα θέματα, δεν αποτελούν επίσημη πηγή ενημέρωσης και η χρήση τους γίνεται με αποκλειστικά δική σας ευθύνη.

labor rights (salary, benefits etc.)

(under development)

Salary – wage

  • Minimum (gross) wage employee: 586.26 € (40 hours weekly work)
  • Minimum (gross) daily wage worker: 26.18 € (6.6 hours daily work)
  • Minimum (gross) hourly wage worker: 3.93 €

(net wages are about 20% less)

labor rights

  • Christmass present : 1 monthly wage (if somebody works all the period from 01-May to 31-December)
  • Easter present : 1/2 monthly wage (if somebody works all the period from 01-January to 31-April)
  • extra holiday payment : 1/2 monthly wage (if somebody works at least 6 months)


  • increment Night work (22:00 – 05:59) : 25%
  • increment Sunday work (00:00 – 23:59): 75%
  • increment overhour (1st in the day) : 20%
  • increment overhour (2nd and 3rd.) : 40%
  • increment overhour (4th and more) : 80%
links for programs 
Seasonal Work Find out your labor rights for working seasonaly in Greece.What the employee is entitled for: holiday payment, extra holiday payment, Christmass present, Easter present
Salary in greek hotels Find which your salary would be if you were working in a greek hotel
Gross daily wage Find which your minimum daily wage would be if you were working in Greece
Gross monthly wage Find which your minimum monthly wage would be if you were working in Greece
unemployment benefit The unemployment benefit in Greece. How much entitled an emloyee and the duration


2 comments to labor rights (salary, benefits etc.)

  • Nikos.

    Respected Sir/Madam,
    I have been working in one fast food chain since eight years as a delivery boy…I work 12 hours from afternoon till late night until 2 AM sometimes…My employer are never paying my night hours nor Saturday and Sunday…When I started i was been paid 3.95 Euro per hour and it was 2007…Later on I was paid 4.40 Euro per hour out of which they decreased 40 cents and I am paid only 4 Euro per hour Since june…They never paid my bonuses and this time on christmas i was not paid my Bonus again…My employer put the bonus on my bank account and later on he used to deduct from my salary…Everytime the same thing is happening so I am fed up with my work…I am paid 8 hours ensima everyday though I work for twelve hours…How can I get all my money back and how long will it takes to get my money???Thank you…

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